

Empowerment Theological Seminary, embracing Schools of Theology, Counseling, Education and Ministry is an evangelical, multi-denominational multi-ethnic and multinational community dedicated to the preparation of men and women for the manifold ministries of Christ and His Church. Under the authority of Scripture, it seeks to fulfill its commitment to ministry through undergraduate, graduate and post graduate education, professional development and spiritual growth. In all its activities, including instruction, nurture, worship, service, research and publication, Empowerment Theological Seminary strives for excellence in the service of Jesus Christ, under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of the Father.


The Empowerment Theological Seminary Community – Board of Direction, Faculty, Staff and Students – believe that Jesus Christ, as revealed in the Holy Scripture and proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit, is the only ground for a person’s reconciliation to God.


The Board of Directors and Faculty of Empowerment Theological Seminary are committed to achieving and maintaining the highest academic standards.


Empowerment Theological Seminary is committed to academically and professionally qualified faculty whose appointments and advancements is dependent upon potential and acknowledged competence in teaching and professional practices.


The Board of Directors and Faculty of Empowerment Theological Seminary are pledged to serve the entire church of Jesus Christ in its various expressions whether congregational, denominational or multi-denominational structure, Empowerment Theological Seminary encourages its students to work within existing church organizations.


1. BIBLE: We believe in the Scripture of the Old and New Testaments as  verbally inspired of God and inerrant in the various matters of which  they speak, have been created, together with the law and properties with which they have been endowed, and that God in His sovereign rule of  the universe, works out His Purpose through the laws of nature and by miraculous power.

2. TRINITY: We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons of the Godhead; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That these three persons have the same nature, attributes and perfections.

3. CREATION AND FALL: We believe that the universe with all that is in it was created in the beginning by the Word of God; that man’s body was made by a creative act of God; that the first man Adam, fell from his original state of innocence, became corrupt in nature, and came under the condemnation and the sentence of death; and because of the unity of the race in Adam, its natural head, all men have come under the same consequence of sin.

4. CHRIST: We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and is truly God, born of the Virgin Mary, and is true man who shed his blood for the sins of all men as a substitutionary sacrifice; that he arose in the very body, though glorified in which He had been crucified; that He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God; and that he now appears in the presence of God on behalf of His people.

5. UNIVERSE: We believe that the Lord, by the Word of His power upholds all things that have been created, together, with the laws and properties with which they have been endowed, and that God in His sovereign rule of the universe, works out His purpose through the laws of nature and by miraculous power.

6. HOLY SPIRIT: We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Divine person; that He inspired men to write the Scriptures; that He convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment and He regenerates those who believe, places them into the body of Christ, and dwells in them; that as Christ’s representatives on earth He calls out a people from the Jews and Gentiles and makes of them “one new man”; and that He calls out men to God’s service.

7. SALVATION: We believe that through faith in the crucified and risen Christ, man is justified, regenerated and given the position of a child in the family of God; and there is but one way of salvation that is, through faith in Christ, and that those who have been born of the Spirit of God never perish.

8. CHURCH: We believe that the church is the company of all those who have been born of the Spirit of God and baptized into the body of Christ by that Spirit; that this church is the body of Christ, and temple of the Holy Spirit; and the Bride of Christ; and during this dispensation all regenerated Jews and Gentiles are untied in one church in Christ and someday Christ will present this church to Himself without blemish.

9. LOCAL CHURCH: We believe that the local church is an autonomous body of baptized believers united together upon profession of faith having two officers (Pastors and Deacons) and observing two ordinances (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper). The local church is to purify, edify, and occupy itself with prayer and fellowship, and to endeavor to reach men for Christ at home and abroad.

10. SATAN: We believe that the fallen angel known as Satan was originally perfect in his way; that he fell and drew with him a large number of angels; that he, together with his angels and demons, is active in opposition to God and His work; that Satan and his emissaries were defeated at the cross of Christ; that they will be bound for a thousand years at the return of Christ to the earth; and that ultimately they will be case into the lake of fire where they will be punished eternally.

11. FUTURE THINGS: We believe in the personal pre-millennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ; and the resurrection of all those who have fallen asleep in Him; that He will reign over Israel and the Gentile nations on the earth during the millennium, after which the wicked dead along with Satan and his emissaries, will be case into the lake of fire where they will be punished forever.


In order to meet the demands of the church today, the Board of Directors and Faculty of Empowerment Theological Seminary take seriously the apostolic description of the church’s nature – one body, many members. For this reason all the programs of Empowerment Theological Seminary are designed to provide for a wide range of Christian service.


The Board of Directors and Faculty of Empowerment Theological Seminary believe that the church of Christ must minister to the whole person. The ultimate objective is that every Empowerment Theological Seminary graduate be equipped to model as well as foster in others a personal maturity which is demonstrated by loving service to others and responsible Christian discipleship.


The Board of Directors and Faculty of Empowerment Theological Seminary have a deep-seated concern to demonstrate quality of discipleship, which applies to Biblical norms of love and justice in all human relationships, and uplifting the quality of life for individuals in the communities we serve.


The Empowerment Theological Seminary community is committed to a responsible stewardship of its educational processes, facilities and financial resources.